+ hello

Alina Turdean is a cultural worker, designer and researcher with a background in interior architecture, product, and temporary design. Currently embarking on a quest of integrating food and community in her practice, her main source of inspiration is human interaction and the bonds this creates with the material world. With a voracious appetite to constantly explore the complex relationship between food, community, and its ultimate power to foster connections she looks to provoke meaningful conversations on topics of both personal and social interest, using food as medium and message, by weaving together diverse narratives and bridging gaps between individuals and communities.

Drawing inspiration from both personal culinary history and experimentation, she creates immersive experiences that invite participants to engage with food beyond its domestic context, surpasing cultural boundaries and cultivating a sense of shared connection. Aiming to create spaces where stories are exchanged, perspectives are challenged, and bonds are forged. 

This frequently involves feeding people.