A collection of thoughts on facing the climate crisis era.
Published in Yin Yang zine, April 2022
I have accepted that the end is near, but I still want to do my best.
While everything seems to be falling apart I feel inside me an inexplicable but comforting urge to build.
Maybe it’s my star sign or my Scorpio rising, the vitamin D intake or the mantras I repeatedly chant to myself. Maybe the pressure of ageing and socially accepted achievements still engrained or the phases of the moon. But most of the time it’s the people around me, our joined way of laughing at life, our common failings and fuckups, our small attempts at being better, our being there for each other and learning together real or imaginary life lessons based solely on our willingness to understand what we’re going through and share stories as a reminder, fair warning or simple encouragement.
Ultimately what motivates me to keep building is the delicate support system that surrounds me.